Cold Work

BÖHLER cold work tool steels are used for the manufacture of tools where a surface temperature of 200 °C is generally not exceeded. From industrial applications to DIY, tools made of BÖHLER cold work tool steel are used in hand tools and as tool and tool parts in industry.
The main areas of application are stamping and fine blanking, sheet metal forming and cold forming. High hardness and wear resistance, fracture resistance, low dimensional change during heat treatment and sufficiently good machinability are among the most important properties of these steels. Properties that BÖHLER achieves, constantly optimises and further develops in the interests of satisfied customers using state-of-the-art manufacturing processes.
Special requirements for materials for the cold forming industry include:
• Wear resistance, hardness up to temperatures of 200°C and sometimes higher
• Resistance to plastic deformation (compressive strength)
• Resistance against fracture and toughness
• Dimensional stability
• Fatigue strength